Saturday, April 6, 2019

Customizing Paper Miniatures with GIMP (free)

Good day, ladies and gents. I'd like to do a brief tutorial on how to customize paper minis in GIMP, which is a free program that allows you to do this. It's really quite simple. Here's quick example of a Sanity Studios militia figure:

1. Load up GIMP.
2. Open your PDF file or picture file.
3. Press F to get the Free Hand Tool or "Lasso" as I like to call it.
4. Trace around the area you want colored. It will probably take several sections at a time and a little patience. Remember, there are two sides to each mini!

5. Next you go to colors and go to "colorize" (as seen in the above picture).

6. Now use the color slider bar to get your mini just how you want it. In this case, purple, my favorite color! My niece once said "but that's not a man's color!" Humph I say!

7. And Bob's your uncle! You're finished.

It will even save your colorization option, just select the date from the drop down bar and boom, no need to try and get your slider bar to perfectly match the color you want on another figure.

A note on gimp. I like to use GIMP to make sheets of figures I want multiples of. Instead of printing off multiple pages for just one or two figures, I'll just make a new page 8.5" x 11" then use the select tool, Ctrl C, and pop it onto the new page with Ctrl V. It does slightly shrink the image for some reason but it's not super noticeable.

Hope this helped out!

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