Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Five Parsecs From Home: The Pre-Battle Campaign Turn and meet the Gladiators!

This is the final post before I get stuck in! I'll quickly go over the pre-battle sequence of the campaign turn and introduce the crew of the Gladiator. I'll show the character stats at the end of this post so it doesn't get all bogged down.

Meet the Gladiators! Decidedly tech savvy and loyal but not well liked...They've got four enemies to start!
Not a fierce looking bunch but hey, that's randomization for ya!

Below is the pre-battle Campaign Turn:

1. Determine if we travel: We're just starting out so won't be traveling any place. We do have a bunch of enemies though so we'll probably get jumped.

2. Pay Upkeep: Paid in full with the starting cash.

3. Assign/resolve crew jobs:

I assign Jibril and Tereg to trade hoping to get some sort of ranged weapon for Jibril. I receive a worthless trinket and some scrap metal worth 1 credit. Maybe I can buy a pistol!

I assign Herb to explore. He chats with someone nice but nothing comes of it.

I assign Kat and Hattie to the range for some training. Each of them gain +1 exp.

4. Assign equipment: Here is what is in my pool of equipment:

Credits: 7

Low-Tech Weapons: Shotgun and x2 Old Fashioned Blades.

High-Tech Weapons: Cling Fire Pistol, Suppression Maul x2, Glare Sword, Blast Pistol, and a Hand Flamer.

Gear: Frag Vest, Assault Attachment (I assume this is the "assault blade") and a Purifier.

Gadgets: Battle Visor

5. Resolve any rumors: None.

6. Play out a table-top battle: I was tracked down by Katsuda's enemy, a press gang.

To be continued...hopefully tomorrow or Friday with a report to follow on Saturday/Sunday.Thanks for reading!

The Gladiators

Reactions: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Tech: 1

Alien Culture: Patron, +1 High-Tech Weapon
Loyalty: Patron (Renegade)
Hacker: +1 Tech, Enemy (Press Gang)
Personal: Old Friend (To be determined later)

Equipment: Cling Fire Pistol (with assault blade attached), Frag Vest, Battle Visor, Old Fashioned Blade

Reactions: 1
Speed: 4.5
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Tech: 0.5

Overcrowded Dystopian City: +0.5 Speed
Loyalty: Patron (Alien Diplomat)
Technician: +0.5 Tech
Equipment: Suppression Maul,  Blast Pistol

Reactions: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Tech 1

Tech Guild: +Tech, +1D6 Credits, +1 High-Tech Weapon
Loyalty: Patron (Wandering Preacher)
Punk: +1 Exp., Enemy (Psychos)

Equipment: Suppression Maul 

Reactions: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Tech: 1

Tech Guild: +1 Tech, +1D6 Credits, +1 High-Tech Weapon
Freedom: +1 Exp., Enemy (Alien Mercs.)
Agitator: Enemy (Assassins...ouch!)

Equipment: Glare Sword,  Shotgun

Reactions: 1
Speed: 4.5
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3.5
Tech: 0

Industrial World: +1 Gear
Survival: +0.5 Toughness
Scoundrel: +0.5 Speed

Equipment: Hand Flamer,  Old Fashioned Blade


  1. Hey, your links to my and Another Slippery Slope's campaigns got me thinking that we should get a list going of everyone's cool work. I've added a page to my blog to start tracking other Five Parsecs Campaigns. Are you cool with me adding yours and if so, would you like to supply a short summary I could put there? Here is the link:

    1. Sure, that sounds great! As for a summary, I really can't think of anything. I'll have to get back to you on that!

  2. Looks like a great start to the campaign! They look strong on the tech side , weaker on the combat. Interested to see how that will play out in scenarios. The paper models look great too!

    1. Yeah, bunch of IT guys I guess. :-) I went with all high-tech weapon rolls to keep them in character. Fingers crossed they can survive!
