Sunday, March 29, 2020

Tanan Saga: The Encroachment of Man

Tonight, we again join Tanan the elf on his ongoing adventures. Let's take a look...

Tanan woke early in the morning to do some exploring. At heart, he was an adventurer. He liked to walk in the sunlight and take in the cool morning air. Strapping on his quiver and stringing his bow, he set off, humming merrily. He made his way north into the scrub lands.

I decided to go on an Explore encounter. This time it was 1-3 Tereken Men, 4-5 Dwarves, 6 Trolls on the who are they table. I weighted more towards people I could interact with again.

PEF 1: This one resolved as just a single Tereken Rep 4 woman gathering food. We passed the same D6 on the interaction table so nothing happened.

Tanan spied someone in the distance. He made himself known and the woman looked startled at first. "No need to be afraid. What business do you have in these parts?"

"I, uh, was just getting some of these delicious berries" she said holding up a bag. "Well, look at the time, I best be off!" The woman said nervously.

Tanan shook his head, "Terekens can be so skittish in these parts."

PEF 2: The second PEF actually resulted in two captives and their handler, a Rep 5 Tereken man. We tied on the action table but he had the advantage so charged into melee. Thankfully Tanan's aim was true and rolled a 6 on the ranged damage table, Obviously Dead! My luck continued and I rolled double 3's on whether or not he had a magic item. It was a re-roll D6 on the action table. I use a house rule that I only roll for magic items on Rep 5's or higher unless it's a Big Bad in a dungeon.

The elf continued on into the brush taking in the sun. He got a little too careless as he was spotted by a Tereken man. He had two roped captives with him, a man and a woman. A slaver no doubt. The man charged without hesitation, knowing elves were renowned for their marksmanship. Tanan was too fast though, his arrow struck him right in the heart. The man stopped grabbing at his chest and then crumpled into a heap.

Tanan cut the bindings of the prisoners and they left, offering many thanks. The young elf now turned his attention to the corpse. The man's face was a mask of horrified death. Around his neck was a strange amulet. The elf pulled it from his neck and placed it in his pouch.

PEF 3: A couple more Terekens, Rep 5 and Rep 3 warriors this time. We passed the same number of D6 on the interaction table.

Conversation could be heard up ahead. Spying through some bushes, Tanan made out a man and a woman skinning a stag they had taken down. He did not wish to be around men anymore so made his silent exit.

PEF 4: I managed to scavenge some food giving me an extra Increasing D6. That was two total for the hunt and Tanan got a 6 on his after the encounter rolls. He's now Rep 6! Talk about super food.

The sun was setting and Tanan decided to strike camp near a stream. He always brought along simple fishing implements and decided to try his hand at it. Not long after he had baited his hook, he reeled in a fish that would make a nice meal for this hungry elf.

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