Friday, October 11, 2019

Mats By Mars Review

The Green Meadow mat with orc blood spilled upon it.

I've been meaning to do a review on my Mats By Mars battle mats. In particular,the 30" x 30" Rumble Mats. I have quite a few actually. They include Green Meadow, Bustling City, Desert, Koncrete Blok (dark), and Winter's Wrath as well as some 24" x 24" in Dark Caribbean (water), Desert, and Urban Strike. I feel the 30" x 30" is great for what I had to play on at the time, a folding card table. Now I have a larger table to play on but I still like the Rumble Mats. Truth be told, I accidentally ordered the 24" x 24" mats last Christmas! I did, however, get the water one for Pirates of the Spanish Main on purpose.

You can get a wide range of sizes from 24" x 24" to 48" x 72" in a variety of different overlays if you have a specific need for something like that. As you can see, I didn't use an overlay. 

Let's look at them more closely...

QUALITY: It's your basic vinyl mat cut into sheets, as you would expect. The quality on all of the mats is really nice as far as vinyl goes. Nice straight cuts. If you get some bent up areas or folds, you can easily heat something up (not too hot!) and lay it on the mat for a while and it should come right out. I had some bent up corners from storage but they came right out with the above method. They're also spill proof as they are vinyl.

I highly recommend a telescoping art tube for storing these. I found one on Amazon for about $17 and was well worth it to protect my investment. If you can find one, a large shipping tube could protect these guys in a pinch and if you're really in a pinch, you can use the mailing box these came in!

I didn't have enough ruins at the time to do this table justice but it does give a good look at the cobblestone mat!

Galloping through the ruins to charge a chicken!
ART: The art is, of course, the best part! I can honestly say I was very impressed by each and every mat I've bought. I particularly like the Bustling City mat, which you can see in the above picture. Really easy to set up terrain on these mats and make it look awesome!

Sure looks cold!
Sure looks hot!

The "Koncrete Blok" in action

The Same "Koncrete Blok" mat but used as a dungeon or cave floor!

What else can I say, these mats are a great way to complement nice miniatures and terrain on any battlefield. I did make some of my own mats that were more affordable but nothing beats professionally made mats like these! I highly recommend Mats By Mars to anyone looking for small size skirmish mats to big battle mats. Cheers!

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