Saturday, September 21, 2019

Talomir Tales: The Northman Part 1

Tonight, I played a game of Talomir Tales: Distant Shores and I wanted to record my play. I also had very limited time to play so no better game than one of the new Two Hour Wargames RPG lite systems. This is, of course, the fantasy iteration.

I also picked up two new titles from THW, 5150 Working Grave a future police RPG lite and Road to Ekra a jousting game. Can't wait to get my hard copies! Ok, on with the game.

The Northman Hellburg

"Hellburg smash!"
Hellburg Rep 5 Warrior. Attributes Fantatic and Slow Mover...A mix of contradictory attributes but at least they don't cancel each other out! People skill 4 and Savvy skill 5.

Hellburg wanted to make his way down the mountains and into the more civilized regions to look for fame and fortune. His first encounter would be Explore and would have to resolve 3 Possible Enemy Forces before he reached the first fringes of society.

First PEF: Hellburg comes across some berries and gathers them to eat. He much preferred bear meat but this would have to do as his food stores were dwindling! (Gain 1 increasing D6).

Berries...Nom nom noms!

Second PEF: Trouble! 

As he made his way through the forested areas, he heard noises up ahead. Three highwaymen and two captives. No doubt returning from pillaging and plundering local settlements. They spot Hellburg before he could lay an ambush! He used his barbarian reflexes to get a jump on the leader and cut him down with one stroke of his blade

"Til Valhalla!"

"Dirty mongrel dogs!"

The dice track the reps as they get lower and lower.

Until finally the barbarian is laid low!

 The other two scoundrels pass the will to fight test and charge! It was a bloody duel, both sides trading blows but both Hellburg and a goon went out of the fight. The lone highwayman looted all parties involved, even his comrades. With his captives in tow, he left the rest of his party for dead.

Increasing rep d6: 2 for finding food and one for slaying the leader.

Decreasing rep d6: 2 for going out of the fight and failing the objective.

Game note: I forgot about the rule that if both your reps reach 0 at the same time you ignore it and fight another melee. Ah well, made for a good story!
Next Encounter: Raid! Hellburg awakens, soaked in his own blood. No weapons, just his fists and he's mad!

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