Sunday, September 22, 2019

Talomir Tales: The Northman Part 3

After his last encounter, which nearly ended in disaster, Hellburg finally made it down to the fringes of society. He entered a tavern and strode up to the bar. "Give me the strongest grog you got, tender!" The bartender complied and slid the "grog" to him.

Hellburg drained the tankard in one go. Letting out a great belch, he wiped the foam from his face. "Any work here?" The bartender nodded at the wall. There was a scroll pinned to it. The barbarian set a few coins on the countertop and approached the board running his finger down the list. Nothing he was interested in (passed 1d6 twice and failed the job search!).

Hellburg decided to try and recruit some strong fighting men and women. He approached one of the tables. A woman (rep 5, smooth ability) and a man (rep 4) sat, one armed with a sword and the other a bow. They looked rather tattered and not unlike the highwaymen he had encountered before but Hellburg didn't care, as long as they could fight. They took notice of the barbarian "what ya want, northman?" the woman said eyeing him up and down with an evil little grin.

"I'm looking to hire some muscle. You interested?" The barbarian was awkward and wasn't very good at this type of thing.

The woman let out a cackle. "Listen, hunk. Unless you're recruiting bedfellows, then get out of my face!" she said smashing her tankard down on the table.

Hellburg grunted "I don't lay with dirty whores!" Before the retort, he moved on.

Next, he approached a woman sitting at a table, an elf (rep 5). She looked up at him with a smile. "What can I do for you, handsome?" She said.

Hellburg felt his cheeks redden. "Well, I need some warriors. You interested?"

"I travel alone, sorry. The only shooting I do is game" she fingered her bow.

The man nodded. "I guess that's a no then. Thank you, ma'am."

At this point, I decided to call it quits for this encounter. Hellburg would have to go on alone.

Chance of a robbery was passed easily. No one pegged him as an easy target I guess.

Increasing rep d6: 1 a successful interaction with the elf.

Decreasing rep d6: 1 an unsuccessful interaction with the dirty whore!

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