Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Chain Reaction 2015: A Classic Tale

This didn't actually happen...

So, I had a little time to myself and wanted to strike up a quick pick-up game. No better rule set to do that than Two Hour Wargames Chain Reaction 2015...My go to game when I feel like shooting up stuff without a whole lot of fluff.

Background story: A seemingly abandoned military facility on a desolate planet? Yep! What horrors await? Probably zombies! Maybe even wrench carrying ones. Our three brave (?) "heroes" touch down not too far from the base and check their weapons ready to raid the buildings full of lootz.

Hey, that's not in the rules!: These rules are super customizable. As such, I made a few house rules. Firstly, I chose the reps for my people, Lance, the star, is rep 5 (semi-auto rifle, pistol), Twinz rep 4 (two pistols), and Trudy rep 4 (big ass pistol, knife). Secondly, I reduced movement to 6" from 8". The zombies can move 4" and don't take any reaction tests nor do they split into groups and try to flank, as zombies don't do things like that. Buildings don't produce PEF's but I added one to make up for it. Also, I give orders to the grunts but they still take reaction tests.

Objective: To finish the game by 10:00 pm or else the military facility explodes or, in reality, I go to sleep.

On with the show!!!
Lance, Twinz, and Trudy

Turn 1 Initiative: Humans 5, Zombies 6

What's that blue thing!

 Lance leads his women into sight of the first PEF (possible enemy force), which resolves as something is out there! Next roll 3D6 on the PEF resolution table.

Turn 2 Initiative: Humans 1, Zombies 6
I see you, blue thing!

Lance moves into sight of another PEF! It resolves as two zombies but Lance is only in sight of one. At this point I did the proper sequence for in sight (toughest rule in this game) and finally got it right. He takes aim with his semi-automatic rifle and squeezes off a couple rounds...Both hit! Alas, they just thud into the cold, dead body.

"Aim for the head, ya idiot!" Twinz said from below.

Next Twinz and Trudy move up, well out of range with their pistols.
Turn 3 Initiative: Humans 3, Zombies 5 (can't catch a break!)

I have you now...Or not.

Lance fires again...Both shots connect again. Yet again, the hits are absorbed by the zombie!

The ladies move up and within range. Trudy, seemingly pointing her gun the wrong way ricochets the rounds off the nearest building and they hit her target right in the head twice! Dead zombie.

Twinz fires a volley with her twin pistols, Steve and Dave. Bingo! Dave hits and takes out another zombie.

Right into the danger zone!

Turn 4 Initiative: Humans 5, Zombies 1

Trudy and Twinz move into sight of another PEF. Their tracker must be getting wonky again. Nothing but a case of the nerves.
"Not much zombies 'round these parts."

Lance moves up to support the ladies below.

The PEF moves 4" but remains in cover.

Turn 5 Initiative: Humans 6, Zombies 1

The PEF resolved as...Nothing!

End game.

Game over man....Game over! Ending time 9:23 pm, quite a speed run. Sometimes you get a small amount of opposition and sometimes you get boards chock full of baddies. This time it was the former.


  1. Man, I straight up started laughing at your objective. That was amazing.

    1. Yeah, I got lucky as the games usually take about two hours (hence the company name, Two Hour Wargames!). Although, was a little boring as I didn't generate too many zombies! If I ended up getting the max number of zombies (18) would have been a whole different story and the base probably would have exploded. ^_^

  2. Haha... yeah, THW is always surprising.
